What Will You Discover in 2020, When Time Stopped During a Year in Motion, Bill Cunningham, Gold Rush, 49ers, 52 Places To Go, Salzburg, Austria, Tokyo, Japan, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia, Copenhagen, Denmark, Lima, Peru, Asturias, Spain, Christchurch, New Zealand, Austin, Texas, Oldies but Goodies

The Billionaire Election, In Search of the Vanishing Dark, Visions of Cody, Star Edition, The Agriculture Queens, A 24-Hour Reporting Relay, 1619, In L.A.; Kobe Dominates the Paint, When Frankie Flew Away, Is It Too Soon to Write Off Bloomberg

The African American Art Shaping the 21st Century

The Great Empty

Echoes of Past Upheavals Reverberate Today, Dorothea Lange, Robotic Cleaning, Private Inns and Online yoga, See the World from the Safety of Your Home

The America We Need, Addressing climate change is a big-enough idea to revive the economy, America will struggle after the coronavirus. These charts show why, Opportunity in the Military-Industrial Complex

The Future of Christianity Is Punk, Legalize All Essential Workers, A Mother’s Pandemic Fears, Hillary Never Married Bill, Bored These Days? Try Watching Birds, Notice Birds, Listen, Look at the bill, Think about what the bird is doing, Watch for patterns, Be Curious, Draw

The Mrs.Files, Marriage as the Big Prize, The Power to Name a Bond, Ray Eames, Lady Jordan, Planet Earth

100,000, An Incalculable Loss, Disease Detectives, Covid Dreams, Trump Nightmares, Upbeat Vaccine News, Heat on the Rise for the West, Strawberry Seeding, No One Knows What’s Going To Happen

The World is Broken, My Patients are Still Suffering, A Season of Birdsong, Art Brought to You by Guns and Big Oil, We’re about to burst into bloom

Doctors are Covid’s First Historians, The Protests Show that Twitter Is Real Life, Anti-Trump Slam Dunk, Remember Them? Like Totally, An Awakening in America Is Prying at Racism’s Grip

Freedom…, Is Self-Care, Is Education, Equality, Pride, Stepping Up, Call to Action, In This Pandemic, Personal Echoes of the AIDS Crisis, The Stuff of Astounding: A Poem for Juneteenth, Looking Inward, Looking Outward, Freedom…

A City Movement in the 1970’s, Bike Business is Booming, Black, Virus Inundates Texas, The “Invisible Men” Problem, The Black-White Wage Gap, American WorkersDeserve Dignity, As Sports Return, It’s Time to Kneel and Be Counted, Far From Broadway

JOHN LEWIS, 1940-2020, Civil Rights Icon Turned Conscience of Congress, Passing Off Virus Burden, White House Fueled Crisis, For Bikini Hub In China, July Isn’t the Same, In Minneapolis, A Rigid Officer Many Disliked, London Police Under Fire, Rising Mistrust of ‘Warp Speed’ Vaccine May Prolong Pandemic, How Classical Music Must Change Now

The Battle for Biden, The Amazon, Giver of Life, Unleashes the Virus, How to Actually Talk to Anti-Maskers, Reopening Schools is Harder than it Should Be, Thank You

Projecting Optimism, The Anti-Trump, CBGB, Real Decolonization, Lucille Ball, Trump’s Toil, Our Trouble, The Zen of Tiny Clay Food, Afghan Helicopter, Voting by Mail Could Save Lives

The Lying Life of Adults, Elena Ferrante, An Excerpt from her New Novel
(part one)

The Lying Life of Adults, Elena Ferrante, An Excerpt from her New Novel
( Part Two)

the amazon has seen our future, all the places under threat, successful test of floodgates leaves venice dry at high tide, history of spin about trump’s health undermines trust in message, coronavirus flourishes where president spends much of his time: indoors, can our culture survive climate change?

leadership, feel like a good scream right now?

how to end women’s work, who will we be without donald trump?, largely out of sight in washington, kamala harris preps for white house

biden beats trump to become the 46th president

No Pantomimes Means Dire Straits

What Will You Discover in 2020, When Time Stopped During a Year in Motion, Bill Cunningham, Gold Rush, 49ers, 52 Places To Go, Salzburg, Austria, Tokyo, Japan, Haida Gwaii, British Colombia, Copenhagen, Denmark, Lima, Peru, Asturias, Spain, Christchurch, New Zealand, Austin, Texas, Oldies but Goodies
The Billionaire Election, In Search of the Vanishing Dark, Visions of Cody, Star Edition, The Agriculture Queens, A 24-Hour Reporting Relay, 1619, In L.A.; Kobe Dominates the Paint, When Frankie Flew Away, Is It Too Soon to Write Off Bloomberg
The African American Art Shaping the 21st Century
The Great Empty
Echoes of Past Upheavals Reverberate Today, Dorothea Lange, Robotic Cleaning, Private Inns and Online yoga, See the World from the Safety of Your Home
The America We Need, Addressing climate change is a big-enough idea to revive the economy, America will struggle after the coronavirus. These charts show why, Opportunity in the Military-Industrial Complex
The Future of Christianity Is Punk, Legalize All Essential Workers, A Mother’s Pandemic Fears, Hillary Never Married Bill, Bored These Days? Try Watching Birds, Notice Birds, Listen, Look at the bill, Think about what the bird is doing, Watch for patterns, Be Curious, Draw
The Mrs.Files, Marriage as the Big Prize, The Power to Name a Bond, Ray Eames, Lady Jordan, Planet Earth
100,000, An Incalculable Loss, Disease Detectives, Covid Dreams, Trump Nightmares, Upbeat Vaccine News, Heat on the Rise for the West, Strawberry Seeding, No One Knows What’s Going To Happen
The World is Broken, My Patients are Still Suffering, A Season of Birdsong, Art Brought to You by Guns and Big Oil, We’re about to burst into bloom
Doctors are Covid’s First Historians, The Protests Show that Twitter Is Real Life, Anti-Trump Slam Dunk, Remember Them? Like Totally, An Awakening in America Is Prying at Racism’s Grip
Freedom…, Is Self-Care, Is Education, Equality, Pride, Stepping Up, Call to Action, In This Pandemic, Personal Echoes of the AIDS Crisis, The Stuff of Astounding: A Poem for Juneteenth, Looking Inward, Looking Outward, Freedom…
A City Movement in the 1970’s, Bike Business is Booming, Black, Virus Inundates Texas, The “Invisible Men” Problem, The Black-White Wage Gap, American WorkersDeserve Dignity, As Sports Return, It’s Time to Kneel and Be Counted, Far From Broadway
JOHN LEWIS, 1940-2020, Civil Rights Icon Turned Conscience of Congress, Passing Off Virus Burden, White House Fueled Crisis, For Bikini Hub In China, July Isn’t the Same, In Minneapolis, A Rigid Officer Many Disliked, London Police Under Fire, Rising Mistrust of ‘Warp Speed’ Vaccine May Prolong Pandemic, How Classical Music Must Change Now
The Battle for Biden, The Amazon, Giver of Life, Unleashes the Virus, How to Actually Talk to Anti-Maskers, Reopening Schools is Harder than it Should Be, Thank You
Projecting Optimism, The Anti-Trump, CBGB, Real Decolonization, Lucille Ball, Trump’s Toil, Our Trouble, The Zen of Tiny Clay Food, Afghan Helicopter, Voting by Mail Could Save Lives
The Lying Life of Adults, Elena Ferrante, An Excerpt from her New Novel
(part one)
The Lying Life of Adults, Elena Ferrante, An Excerpt from her New Novel
( Part Two)
the amazon has seen our future, all the places under threat, successful test of floodgates leaves venice dry at high tide, history of spin about trump’s health undermines trust in message, coronavirus flourishes where president spends much of his time: indoors, can our culture survive climate change?
leadership, feel like a good scream right now?
how to end women’s work, who will we be without donald trump?, largely out of sight in washington, kamala harris preps for white house
biden beats trump to become the 46th president
No Pantomimes Means Dire Straits